‘A little piece of Heaven’ is how one guest described our visit to a little unknown hidden gem with a majestic waterfall and a thatched cottage once owned and lived in by a family from the valley.

Here we enjoyed Gaelic Coffees, hot buttered scones, coffee, tea and a ‘Seisiúin’ of Irish traditional music, singing and dancing amid tales of long ago from a ‘Seanachaí’ who has lived all his adult life in the parish, with a turf fire blazing, steam rising from the thatch and neighbours who came to call on us ‘our friendly mountain sheep’.

The children played hide and seek among the rocks around the cottage, while budding photographers focused their lens at the splendour and wonder of their surroundings. “Is it real?”one sighed

Travel with Kerry Wild and Wonderful to this place where scented gorse and wild heathers fuse together with times past where if only the walls could speak… experience it all for yourselves…. www.kerrywildandwonderful.com

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